
Sunday, September 7, 2014

So Polished: Polka Dots and Roses

Hey guys!
I've been getting back into nail polish lately and actually decided to do a little nail art on my fingers today. I hadn't planned on it, but it just kinda happened and I LOVE the end results (thus, why I wanted to share with you! :)) Whatdaya think?

For the base color, I used Essie's Bikini So Teeny. I felt like that was the perfect complimentary color for this look. For the polka dots I used Sally Hansen's I <3 a="" added="" and="" art="" baby="" base="" chartreuse.="" clear="" coat="" color="" details="" f21.="" flowers="" for="" from="" hansen="" i="" in="" it="" magenta="" nail="" nbsp="" off="" p="" pen="" pens="" pink="" purchased="" rose="" s="" sally="" seche="" shade="" shades="" the="" then="" to="" top="" topped="" used="" vite.="" white.="" with="">
This was my first time using these nail art pens and I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed. At first I was a little weary because the tips of the pens are super hard and I was afraid they would dig into my base coat when I used them. I quickly realized that I barely needed to touch the pen to my nails for the polish to adhere to them. Overall, I think they're great little nail art pens and I'm definitely going to purchase more.

Have you been into nail art lately? What nail art trends are you loving?