
Sunday, September 7, 2014

So Polished: Polka Dots and Roses

Hey guys!
I've been getting back into nail polish lately and actually decided to do a little nail art on my fingers today. I hadn't planned on it, but it just kinda happened and I LOVE the end results (thus, why I wanted to share with you! :)) Whatdaya think?

For the base color, I used Essie's Bikini So Teeny. I felt like that was the perfect complimentary color for this look. For the polka dots I used Sally Hansen's I <3 a="" added="" and="" art="" baby="" base="" chartreuse.="" clear="" coat="" color="" details="" f21.="" flowers="" for="" from="" hansen="" i="" in="" it="" magenta="" nail="" nbsp="" off="" p="" pen="" pens="" pink="" purchased="" rose="" s="" sally="" seche="" shade="" shades="" the="" then="" to="" top="" topped="" used="" vite.="" white.="" with="">
This was my first time using these nail art pens and I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed. At first I was a little weary because the tips of the pens are super hard and I was afraid they would dig into my base coat when I used them. I quickly realized that I barely needed to touch the pen to my nails for the polish to adhere to them. Overall, I think they're great little nail art pens and I'm definitely going to purchase more.

Have you been into nail art lately? What nail art trends are you loving?


  1. I like this manicure, it's classic. I haven't tried the new nail art pens but I didn't have great lck with their old ones. I might have to try the new ones out to see if they're better!

  2. That's really cute! I bought some nail art pens and was surprised (like you) that you barely need to touch the tip on the nail and it squirts out so much ink!! It's really cool!

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