
Friday, September 14, 2012

How to get a Deeper Clean with this Quick Tip

Hey guys! 

Today I thought I'd share a quick tip on how to get a deeper, more precise clean with your Clarisonic in just 3 simple steps!

First, twist off the brush head.

Next, you will see little clips on the underside of the brush head. Pinch the clips in to remove the center.

Last, replace the center of the brush head onto your Clarisonic. Ta Da! Easy peasy!

I know this doesn't seem like much but trust me- it works! Try it. When you remove the outer rim of the brush head it makes getting into those awkward small places around your face super easy to get to (like around your nose). This also makes the brush head more concentrated in one area and allows for a deeper clean. :)


Check out my new makeup storage I bought yesterday! I haven't transferred my makeup over to it yet but will soon. What an upgrade compared to my old storage on the left. Much better :)

Don't forget to follow me on FB!


  1. that's a very good tip! I am going to try that with my Clarisonic. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Now I only need a clarisonic! :) LOVE the new black dresser /storage :)

    Andrea and the Beauty Blog

  3. COol! :) I will try this right now! Thanks for the tip!

  4. nice post! and i love both of your storage items! i'd use both of them. :)

  5. Love this post! I have to try that with my Clarisonic now! I'm a new follower btw :)


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